Jan. 28, 2014

Mrs. Donna Mann, first grade teacher, reading to our first graders.
On Tuesday, January 28th, many students and staff spent an extra long day at school due to snow. I was very impressed with our students. I didn't hear any squabbling among the students, and each child followed directions when asked. Our older students were particularly helpful! Here are just a couple of examples:
  • Before I could assist some of our younger students at the computers, Valeska would be up and helping. This happened more than once. She was fabulous.
  • Amaree sat with one of the Pre-K students and let the younger child choose which apps to play. He also helped Mr. Mendez get the mats for everyone and was on the floor helping to clean them.
  • Jaylen also worked with the younger students. He also helped Mr. Mendez and Abraham clean the mats for everyone. Every time I looked up, he was being helpful.

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