February is Pet Dental Month

Nancy Gunter from Dunwoody Veterinary Center donated bookmarks to our school in honor of Pet Dental Month.

January 2014 statistics

Mrs. Lopez's class celebrating the 100th day of school on Jan. 27th.
Because of some inclement weather, students only attended school for 14 days in January. Thirty six classes met with Mrs. King for instruction, 1300 students visited the media center independently, and almost 2900 items were checked out. Ms. Hilton has been very busy shelving books!

Digital Learning Day

Every day is Digital Learning Day at Woodland, but Feb. 5th is the day set aside to recognize digital learning.
Ms. Schaffer's 2nd grade students using GALILEO.

In the media center on Feb. 5th:
  • 1st graders in Mrs. Mann's class created Valentine tagxedos! They can be viewed at http://mymediacenter.wikispaces.com/1st+grade+-+Mann
  • February is Black History Month. The 2nd graders in Ms. C. Schaffer's class used GALILEO to begin research on a famous African American. After the students took notes, they began putting their facts in a Powerpoint presentation.
  • 3rd graders in Ms. Pruett's class used PebbleGo databases to find information on Franklin or Eleanor Roosevelt. The information was also placed in a Powerpoint format.
  • 5th grade - Ms. Thibadeau's 5th graders learned about copyright and citing references when researching and creating multimedia projects.

Jan. 28, 2014

Mrs. Donna Mann, first grade teacher, reading to our first graders.
On Tuesday, January 28th, many students and staff spent an extra long day at school due to snow. I was very impressed with our students. I didn't hear any squabbling among the students, and each child followed directions when asked. Our older students were particularly helpful! Here are just a couple of examples:
  • Before I could assist some of our younger students at the computers, Valeska would be up and helping. This happened more than once. She was fabulous.
  • Amaree sat with one of the Pre-K students and let the younger child choose which apps to play. He also helped Mr. Mendez get the mats for everyone and was on the floor helping to clean them.
  • Jaylen also worked with the younger students. He also helped Mr. Mendez and Abraham clean the mats for everyone. Every time I looked up, he was being helpful.