Lunch buddies - Mrs. King and Ms. Jayroe's class

I am fortunate to be working with a fabulous third grade class during lunch - Ms. Jayroe's class. Ms. Jayroe explained the procedures and expectations for cafeteria behavior to her students during the first week of school and they are continuing to follow her instructions!

During our lunch time, I have noticed random acts of kindness that warm my heart.
For example:
  • Shanice offered to carry a tray for a student that was staying behind to help clean up.
  • Cole dropped something and no one had to ask him to pick it up. He did it because it was the right thing to do.
  • Leyla spilled something and immediately began cleaning it up herself. Again, no one asked her to clean it up. She did it because it was the right thing to do.
  • Helen and Sawyer gave their juice pouches to a staff member that reuses them in craft projects.
  • DeAngelo wiped up all the crumbs on his end of the table - not just around his plate.
In addition, the following students have followed the correct lunch procedures all week long without a reminder: Cindi, Maura, Tatiana, Alan, Sawyer, Luis, and Malik.

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