First Grade Photographers

First grade students in Mrs. Bass's class, Mrs. McCullough's class and Ms. Collins's class learned about synonyms and antonyms in a two part lesson in the media center. During the first part of the lesson, synonyms and antonyms were explained and examples were given. The students then listened to a story about opposites or antonyms. Photographs of antonyms were shown throughout the book. In the follow up visit, the photographs of antonyms were reviewed. The students were then instructed to look around the media center for examples of antonyms. Digital cameras were given to the students. Our creative students took pictures of their antonyms. The photographs were used to create a powerpoint presentation. The students' work can be viewed at

VOCABULARY ELA1R5 The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. The student
c. Identifies words that are opposites (antonyms) or have similar meanings (synonyms).

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