Ms. Jayroe's class = Another great week!

Ms. Jayroe's class had another great week in the cafeteria.
  • We have helpers that volunteer to clean off our tables before the next class sits down. Maura helped me last week. She was fabulous.
  • This week Tatiana and Shanice offered to take care of cleaning the tables and they have done a wonderful job without my help.
  • Pumulo used the word "please" and I noticed. On another day, a kindergarten student dropped her drink bottle and it rolled under a table. Pumulo stopped and retrieved the bottle for her. He is using good manners!
  • The class as a whole followed directions so well that I was able to read a chapter book aloud to 4 students - Anna, Leyla, DeAngelo, and Luis. We finished the book this week. Now 4 additional students - Helen, Cindi, Alan, and Keifer - will hear the story.
  • On Thursday, the class earned a "paw" because I didn't have to remind anyone of the cafeteria procedures.
  • The following students did not need a reminder all week: Shanice, Cole, Maura, Anna, Leyla, Tatiana, Alan, Kiefer, Sawyer, Helen, Malik, and Sharae.

Lunch time - Ms. Maddox's Class

Our fifth graders are working toward earning a "paw" in the cafeteria. Ms. Maddox and I have reviewed the procedures with the students and they are working on consistently following those expectations.

This week I saw several wonderful examples of students helping each other . . .
  • One day there was a chocolate milk spill. No one screamed or got angry. Xiaoyang raised his hand to alert me of the problem and napkins began appearing from all of the students seated close by to help clean up!
  • On another day, some of Kennedy's popcorn spilled on the floor. She took initiative and asked if she could clean it up herself! With permission, she got a broom and dustpan and took care of the popcorn spill! I love that she acted quickly and quietly.
  • Lluviana offered her unopened milk to a classmate who said he was still thirsty after finishing his lunch.
  • A student bit the inside of her lip and it started bleeding. I asked her how she would like to handle it. She asked if she could get a napkin. Isaiah and Abel both heard her and offered their napkins to her. 
  • Yari accidentally dropped pizza and it landed on Jayla's leg. Jayla didn't overreact; she simply raised her hand and asked for a napkin. Two students, Lluviana and Nhya, were close by. They heard her request and both offered their napkins. Yari also apologized.
The following students did not need a reminder regarding behavior this week:
Keaton, Kennedy, Lluviana, Nhya, Ana, Christian, Faith, Taliyah, Yaroslav, Abel, Xiaoyang, Jakobe, Dante

5th grade studies the American Civil War

Fifth grade students at Woodland Elementary School recently brought history into the classroom with the help of a “Traveling Trunk” borrowed from the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. The trunk held reproductions of soldier uniforms, newspapers, and other daily use items of the 1860s. Students had the opportunity to try on a uniform, examine the artifacts, research the Civil War, and create hardtack – a simple, long lasting hard biscuit made from flour, salt, and water – as part of their instruction. The hands-on activities were fun and kept the students focused, engaged, and learning.

Lunch buddies - Mrs. King and Ms. Jayroe's class

I am fortunate to be working with a fabulous third grade class during lunch - Ms. Jayroe's class. Ms. Jayroe explained the procedures and expectations for cafeteria behavior to her students during the first week of school and they are continuing to follow her instructions!

During our lunch time, I have noticed random acts of kindness that warm my heart.
For example:
  • Shanice offered to carry a tray for a student that was staying behind to help clean up.
  • Cole dropped something and no one had to ask him to pick it up. He did it because it was the right thing to do.
  • Leyla spilled something and immediately began cleaning it up herself. Again, no one asked her to clean it up. She did it because it was the right thing to do.
  • Helen and Sawyer gave their juice pouches to a staff member that reuses them in craft projects.
  • DeAngelo wiped up all the crumbs on his end of the table - not just around his plate.
In addition, the following students have followed the correct lunch procedures all week long without a reminder: Cindi, Maura, Tatiana, Alan, Sawyer, Luis, and Malik.